Saturday, October 07, 2006

Ban the Evil Harry Potter!

As I was purusing through the Fox News website, I was enticed to view an article titled, "Georgia Mom Seeks Ban on 'Evil' Harry Potter". I've never really been a fan of Harry Potter. As an English major, I've always felt that I should seek 'the classics' rather that than the 'top 10 best sellers list'. I guess I was troubled, though, by the thought that anyone would want to ban any book.

I do think it is important for society to become active in the media world. We've been discussing media activism and cluture jamming in class, and although this woman, Laura Mallory, does not fit the conventional role of media activist, she is trying to change something she disagrees with. I applaud Mallory for standing up for what she believes in; I just don't happen to agree with her.
"Board of Education attorney Victoria Sweeny said that if schools were to remove all books containing reference to witches, they would have to ban 'Macbeth' and 'Cinderella.'"
This idea disturbed me, because the aim could change from the "top 10 best sellers" to the classics. Shakespeare's "Macbeth' is by no means my favorite 'classic', but that doesn't mean I want to get rid of it!

What truly surprised me about this article was that this same area had tried to eliminate funding for Spanish-language fiction. Honestly, I think that we should be happy if we're giving anyone the opportunity to read. It sounds to me like this county and its people need to put their priorities in the correct place.


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