Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Media politics?

Journalism isn't something that I always knew that I wanted to do, it just kind of worked out that way. I love to write, and I'm passionate about many things, sometimes more so than I need to be. The world of journalism seems to be every changing though. With convergence, I may be doing podcasts, or even blogging (God forbid :)) rather than writing for the tradtional paper newspaper when I'm done with school. One thing that I didn't even consider is the possibility that I may be treated differently because of my sex or my age. Sure, I may be seen as the rookie in the beginning, but I read a column that was quite discouraging.

Courtney Lowery in her column titled, "Women in Journalism: A Discouraging Generation Gap," talked about her recent experience at Journalism and Women Symposium. As a 26-year-old managing editor of an online magazine, she wasn't the in the norm, but I sympathized with her experience. Not only shunned by the women that she looked up to, she was scorned because of her medium. In a world of change and convergence, these all too common attitudes will need change, it's just a matter of time. In the mean time, I can say that I can only hope to be as successful as Lowery in five short years.


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